Sunday, June 25, 2006

Gourmet Dinner

Here are some photos of the super fancy dinner I made for my friends over the weekend.

Appetizer 1: Mini boconcini with cherry tomatoes, fresh basil leaves, drizzled with Tsunian olive oil & balsalmic vinegar.

Appetizer 2: Fresh mussels in a white wine, shallot, cherry tomatoes, garlic, herb (thyme, parsley basil) sauce, served with toasted baguette.

Main course: Balsamic, parmaesan, oyster mushroom, arugula salad. • Butternut squash ravioli, in sage, butter, shitake mushroom, alfredo sauce, drizzled with olive oil. • Grilled New york steak with red wine and shallot reduction.

Dessert: Organic strawberries, dripped in belgium bernard caulebaut chocolate.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Portrait of 'lil Dave

I did this portrait of Dave, 5 years ago. It's acrylic on canvas. I was working on series of childrens portrait, done all monochromatic. I did 5 in total, then gave it to my friend's afterwards. I'll be posting the other ones very soon.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Illustration Friday - Jungle

Here is my Illustration Friday submission for the theme "Jungle". This piece "Hawaii 5-0" acrylic on canvas, it didn't make it into the girls with guns show, but I thought it would be appropiate.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Oiler's Pie

I made this pie for the Edmonton Oilers Stanley Cup playoffs, Game 3 Party. It's an apple pie, with an all butter crust.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Girls with Guns Show

Here are my submissions to the Girls with Guns Show, in August 2004. This was a group show, that my friend Freshdiscoporkergas was hosting. It was at the Burston Gallery, unfortnately, that gallery has since closed. I sold the first painting that night. My painting is on the left, and my friend Freshdiscoporkergas is on the right.

This was the first painting sold that night at the gallery. "Untitled" (actually I can't remember the name of this piece) - acrylic on canvas.

"Cheeky" - acrylic on canvas.

"Yellow Fever" - acrylic on canvas.

There are another 2 more pieces for this show, but I'll still need to dig them up. I'll put them up soon.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Present for my Mom

This painting was inspired after going to the Orchid convention in Feb 2004. My photos from the show. I gave it to my mom for mother's day that year.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

AGO - In your face Submission

Here is my submission to the AGO - In your face project. It's acrylic on watercolour board, 4" x 6".

My first Illustration Friday Submission - Portrait

This is my first Illustration Friday submission.
It's a portrait of my grandfather Edwin. It's acrylic on canvas board, 4" x 4". I gave it to him as a present for his 86th b-day in Feb.